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The Internet has democratized information sharing, but, like any complex socio-technical system, it tends to concentrate power.

The World Wide Web is centered around the cloud infrastructure of super conglomerates like Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook. They enjoy economy of scale and have access to the best engineering teams to create even more gravity for the solid core.

We are all citizens of Google and Apple

We are happier, fitter, more productive, but... dependent, monetized, surveilled.

Even best-in-class secure email and messaging services like ProtonMail or Signal require us to disclose our identity one way or another for long-term storage on their servers.

Ten years ago, Bitcoin paved the way for reliable censorship-resistant digital cash, truly distributed infrastructure, and innovative leaderless governance. It was followed by Ethereum, which has proven the concept of global general-purpose computing and formed a vibrant ecosystem of decentralized application developers.

While blockchain technology is still in its infancy, it has already experienced its own concentration of power

Over time, the validation of public blockchains got pooled in the hands of a few miners, making it easy to form cartels and distort governance. There are 13 controlling pools in Bitcoin, 20 distinct miners in Ethereum, and 21 block producers in EOS. Fifty percent of Ethers are owned by 400 addresses. The Proof-of-Stake mechanism will only make the distribution more extreme - the rich become richer. Such is the nature of money.

We believe that proof of pesonhood is the building block of the decentralized future

There is a call for a solution to the growing imbalance of power in blockchain and Internet applications.

Why Idena

Proof of Personhood

We believe that a Proof of Personhood is the building block of the decentralized future. Such a proof can be anonymous, self-managed, and valid globally, no matter where the person lives. No trusted authorities are needed to achieve this. All we need to know about the account is that there is a single living person to whom that account belongs. We call it cryptoidentity.

One person - one vote

One person - one vote is a fundamental principle for democracy and a foundation for the future blockchain technology. We believe in distributed governance and the wisdom of the crowd to achieve stability. Advanced voting mechanisms like quadratic voting could improve distributed governance for everyone.

Decentralized web

A peer-to-peer web without servers and censors would empower people, not wealth or authority, and give them control over sharing information and value. No personal data should be required to access a service, send a message, or buy a coffee in a decentralized world.

Universal basic income

Blockchain mining must be democratic: The blockchain node should be light enough to run on an average computer or laptop. In Idena all participants are empowered to maintain the network. Participation in Idena is rewarded both in a form of a UBI and rewards proportional to stake.

Freedom of speech

Every voice has a right to be heard. Spreading information should be seamless, and publications should be censorship-resistant.

Scalability, decentralization, security

We believe that a scalable blockchain can be built without compromising its safety. The basis for genuine scalability and safety is a transparent and redundant decentralization.