📄️ OracleLock
The smart contract blocks iDNA until the specified oracle voting result is known.
📄️ RefundableOracleLock
The smart contract blocks iDNA deposited by multiple users until a decision is made by oracles. It works similarly to OracleLock: if the voting result matches the expected value, coins are transferred to address A (if specified), otherwise to address B (if specified). However, a refund is provided to all users if the destination address A or B is not specified or oracle voting fails to reach a consensus. The amount of the refund is equal to the initial deposit or proportional to the initial deposit if the RefundableOracleLock address has been funded additionally.
📄️ Multisig M-of-N
A multisignature smart contract address with specified M and N locks coins. In order to send the coins from the Multisig smart contract address, M specific participants out of N have to provide their signatures.
📄️ TimeLock
The TimeLock smart contract locks coins on the smart contract address until the specified time. Once a newly mined block has a timestamp greater than that time, the coins can be transferred to any address specified by the owner.