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Idena-sdk-as provides convenient tools for developing the Idena smart contracts in the AssemblyScript language. AssemblyScript code of your contract can be easily compiled into WebAssembly (see Quick start) and run in Wasmer runtime.


idena-sdk-as is a fork from near-sdk-as

Idena-sdk-as Github repo:


Since WebAssembly supports only a limited set of types for arguments, Bindgen is used to transform of the code of a contract into the Wasmer-compatible code. Bindgen automatically transforms all user's classes and their methods by generating encode/decode json methods. For the contract class in index.ts wrapper methods are generated. In addition the Wasmer-compatible code for saving the contract state is generated.

If you want Bindgen to ignore some of your classes you can use the @idenaBindgenIgnore decorator for that.

Contract state

The state of the main contract class (in index.ts file) is represented in a form of json. This json representation of the main contract class is saved automatically to the Idena blockchain state after any public method call.

If you need the state not to be saved (e.g. to reduce gas) you can use @view decorator for the method.


You can fetch the state of the main contract class using the STATE key

Transformation example

Contract code before transformation

export class HelloWorldContract {
//stores value as part of 'STATE' key
classField: string;

constructor() {
this.classField = 'hello';

hello(): void {
Host.emitEvent('Hello world!', []);

Contract code after transformation

class HelloWorldContract {
classField: string = defaultValue<string>();
constructor() {
this.classField = "hello";
hello(): void {
Host.emitEvent("Hello world!", []);

decode<_V = Uint8Array>(buf: _V): HelloWorldContract {
let json: JSON.Obj;
if (buf instanceof Uint8Array) {
json = JSON.parse(buf);
} else {
assert(buf instanceof JSON.Obj, "argument must be Uint8Array or Json Object");
json = <JSON.Obj> buf;
return this._decode(json);

static decode(buf: Uint8Array): HelloWorldContract {
return decode<HelloWorldContract>(buf);

private _decode(obj: JSON.Obj): HelloWorldContract {
this.classField = obj.has("classField") ? decode<string, JSON.Obj>(obj, "classField"): defaultValue<string>();
return this;

_encode(name: string | null = "", _encoder: JSONEncoder | null = null): JSONEncoder {
let encoder = _encoder == null ? new JSONEncoder() : _encoder;
encode<string, JSONEncoder>(this.classField, "classField", encoder);
return encoder;
encode(): Uint8Array {
return this._encode().serialize();

serialize(): Uint8Array {
return this.encode();

toJSON(): string {
return this._encode().toString();

export function __deploy(): void {
let __contract: HelloWorldContract;
if (__checkState()) {
__contract = __getState<HelloWorldContract>();
assert(isNull(__contract), "contract is already initialized");
__contract = new HelloWorldContract();

export function hello(): void {
let __contract: HelloWorldContract;
if (__checkState()) {
__contract = __getState<HelloWorldContract>();
assert(!isNull(__contract), "contract is not initialized");

If you need to get the transformed code for debugging purposes, then add the following line to the very beginning of the source file:

//@idenafile out

The transformed code will be printed to the console on yarn asb command.


If needed you can use the following global functions for encoding/decoding arguments to/from bytes:

function obj_to_bytes<T>(val: T) : Uint8Array //converts type T to Uint8Array
function bytes_to_obj<T>(data : Bytes) : T //Converts array of bytes to type T

The following types T are supported:

  • u8-u64, i8-i64, u128, u256: numeric types
  • Balance object: a built-in type for working with balances, including IDNA, implemented based on u128
  • Uint8Array: array of bytes
  • string: strings
  • objects that have encode/decode methods
  • arrays of objects that have encode/decode methods
  • any other objects that have been decorated with @idenaBindgen

You can find the implementation of convertions here


  • @idenaBindgen: force classes transformation (may be useful for library developers who need object marshaling, since library files are not automatically transformed)
  • @idenaBindgenIgnore: ignore transformation for the entire class or specific method
  • @view: do not save STATE after the method is called (for example for read-only methods)
  • @privateMethod: disallow method for public calling (can be only called by other contract methods)

Data structures

Idena-sdk-as exposes a series of structures (Vector, PersistentMap, KeyValue) to simplify storing data in an efficient way.

  • PersistentMap<K, V>: key-value map. Any type that can be marshaled (see Marshaling) into bytes can be used as a key and value
  • Vector<T>: array that allows you to store the value by index
  • KeyValue<K,V>: saves a single value for a given key

All structures need to be initialized using a unique prefix, which will be used to identify the structure's keys in the serialized state. The data is not loaded during the contract instantiation (lazy loading). The data is fetched from the state once the value is read on a particular key.


Every method execution has an environment associated with information such as:

  1. Who called the method
  2. How much money is attached to the call
  3. How many computational resources are available
  4. The current block header
  5. Helper functions for hash, ecrecover, for example

To access the environment idena-sdk-as provides wrappers Context and Host.


Complete list of environment methods can be found here


Context provides data related to the execution of the called method.

SDK methodDescription
Context.caller()Returns the address that called the method. It can either be the address that signed the original transaction or the contract that created the asynchronous call.
Context.originalCaller()Returns the address that signed the transaction
Context.blockTimestamp()Timestamp of the block in which the transaction is included
Context.blockSeed()VRF seed for the current block (can be used as seed for randomizers)
Context.blockNumber()Height of the block in which the transaction is included
Context.minFeePerGas()Current gasPrice
Context.networkSize()Current network size
Context.contractAddress()Address of the current contract
Context.contractBalance()Balance of the current contract
Context.contractCodeHash()Code hash of the current contract
Context.contractCode()Code of the current contract
Context.epoch()Current epoch
Context.payAmount()Amount of iDNA sent with transaction (tx.amount)
Context.gasLimit()Total amount of gas allocated for the execution of the method
Context.gasLeft()Amount of remaining gas


Host provides methods for reading\writing to state and global functions

SDK methodDescription
Host.setStorage<K, V>(key: K, value: V)Writes value to state by given key
Host.getStorage<K, V>(key: K, defaultValue: V): VReads value from state, if it does not exist, then returns defaultValue
Host.getSome<K, V>(key: K): VReads value from state, if it does not exist, then aborts current execution with error
Host.hasStorage<K>(key: K): boolChecks if given key exists in the state
Host.removeStorage<K>(key: K): voidRemoves value by given key
Host.contractAddressByHash(codeHash: Bytes, args: Bytes[], nonce: Bytes): AddressCalculates the address of the contract based on the given parameters
Host.emitEvent(eventName: string, args: Bytes[])Triggers event
Host.blockHeader(height: u64): models.ProtoBlockHeaderReturns block header by specified height
Host.keccac256(data: Uint8Array): BytesCalculates keccak256 hash
Host.ecrecover(data: Uint8Array, sig: Uint8Array): BytesExtracts the public key from the data signature
Host.createCallFunctionPromiseMethod for processing asynchronous calls
Host.createDeployContractPromiseMethod for processing asynchronous calls
Host.createTransferPromiseMethod for processing asynchronous calls
Host.createReadContractDataPromiseMethod for processing asynchronous calls
Host.createGetIdentityPromiseMethod for processing asynchronous calls
Host.promiseResultMethod for processing asynchronous calls
Host.burn(amount: Balance): voidBurns specified amount of iDNA